
The Future of
Web3 Gaming

Explore, Play, Earn, Trade, and Build on your own terms

Chain X Game is a Web3 gaming hub that enables players, developers, and guilds to discover the true meaning of freedom.

Chain X Game

  • CXG Games Hub

    A publishing platform that democratizes game distribution, allowing independent developers to reach audiences without the constraints of traditional gaming marketplaces.

  • CXG Marketplace

    An NFT marketplace tailored for digital assets in gaming. It not only provides a venue for trading game-related NFTs but also introduces a new revenue stream for developers and players.

  • CXG Arena

    An esports arena where players compete in tournaments for prizes. Revenue opportunities include entry fees, sponsorships, and broadcasting rights.

Empowering players and developers

Chain X Game's powerful ecosystem and technology enables rewarding experiences for all.

With seamless integration across our suite of applications, from our games storefront to our digital assets marketplace, the CXG platform allows you to leverage our tech in unique ways that transcend modern gaming. The CXG platform amplifies the thrill of gaming and opens up endless new opportunities for developers and gamers alike.

P2P Game Server Solution
Immortal Games Network

To pioneer a decentralized, player-centric gaming network that democratizes game hosting through peer-to-peer technology.

The Immortal Games Network is a decentralized P2P multiplayer hosting solution for games, aiming to revolutionize how multiplayer games are hosted and experienced. As an integral part of Thia Game, IG Network leverages the latest in Web3 technology to offer a robust, user-driven gaming ecosystem.

Upcoming Games

DroBall by Thia

A vehicle sports game that revolutionizes the genre by using drones instead of cars, offering a fresh twist on the mechanics and strategies of traditional car soccer games.

Thunter by Thia

A treasure-hunting battle royale that combines PvP and PvE elements, with innovative mechanics like teleportation instead of traditional safety zones, adding depth and strategy to the gameplay.

Bounty Cowboy

An action-packed battle royale with a focus on hunting criminals for bounties, incorporating elements of action combat, PvE, and boss battles to create a thrilling, multi-faceted experience.


A 3D MOBA set in space, utilizing vehicles such as mechs, spaceships, and tanks in a strategic battle to destroy the enemy base, offering a unique twist on the MOBA genre.